A.S. Office of the President
We at the Associated Students Office of the President have one mission in mind — to work with UCSB students on every level of representation while giving them ways to proactively engage with our campus community.
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Leading with diverse opinions and serving with heartfelt passion, we are dedicated to amplifying student voices, advocating for student needs, and pioneering an empowered community that allows students to feel connected and celebrated during their time at UCSB and beyond. Whether it be through events, political initiatives, or advocacy, we are ready to step up to any challenge students are facing with an open mind and address it on every front. Led by 23-24 President Tessa Veksler, our office is committed to achieving financial transparency, the efficiency of student fees, basic needs expansion, and increased accessibility. We are steadfast in our goal to celebrate the diversity and achievements of our students while empowering them in their academics, mental health, and future after being a Gaucho. Each student voice matters, which is why the Office of the President seeks to create an accessible and approachable office to highlight the voices and needs of each individual.
Ongoing Project Updates
Basic Needs Vending Machine
Finalizing a second Basic Needs Vending Machine to provide free food to students. The first vending machine was finalized by presidential predecessor Yuval Cohen and can be found in the Multi-Cultural Center hallway.
The second is a collaboration between ASOP, the AS Food Bank and AS Basic Needs Committee to be established at El Centro.
Transfer Student Lunch & Study Jam
Sandwiches and studying in the Transfer Student Center during Week 5.
Collaboration between TSC and ASOP Transfer Student Coordinator.
Training Accessibility Exec. Order
This Executive Order extended the deadline for the completion of the mandatory AS trainings.
Collaboration with the Commission on Disabled Equality (CODE) to bring PDF versions of all available trainings for members to complete.
Established a Trainings Task Force to increase the accessibility of trainings and update future trainings.
Alumni Networking Event
“Launch Your Network” event was hosted during Week 5 in collaboration with the Director of Alumni Affairs and UCSB Alumni.
Pearman Fellowship
The Pearman Planning Committee spearheaded by the ASOP and IVP Deputy Heads of Staff worked to recruit, interview and place fellows in their respective entities.
Restoration of Legislative Function Exec. Order
Removal of the IVP due to a dismissal of elected duties (as detailed within the order).
The elected EVPLA Hailey Stankiewicz will assume the role of IVP, and EAC Chair Billy Wu will assume the role of IVP in the interim, until a new Internal Vice-President is elected
Called upon the Elections Board to hold a special election by Week 5 of Winter Quarter to fulfill the IVP Vacancy.
Outlined procedures for Summer, Fall and Winter honoraria payments.
Mental Health Paint Night
Painting and Snacks during Week 6 sponsored by the ASOP Mental Health Commissioners and Public Mental Health Commission.
Executive Orders

Questions? Concerns? Inquiries about future projects?
We’d love to help connect you with the appropriate entities.