Get to know the past A.S. Presidents and their accomplishments while serving at UC Santa Barbara
Yuval Cohen, A.S. President | 2021-2022
Term in Review: A.S. President Yuval Cohen
Accomplishments / Projects:
Return to Campus Working Group
⁃ COVID, Housing Crisis
AS Bike Shop
⁃ Finalized a location, began building
Basic Needs Vending Machine
⁃ Finalized machine for food insecure individuals
⁃ Purchased second machine for a new location
AS Academic Resource Fund
⁃ Provided grants for students struggling financially to cover textbooks and academic costs
Strategic Vision
Housing Crisis Town Hall
Mental health town hall
Committee on Committees (CoC) rebuilding
President’s Cabinet
⁃ Fulfilling appointments to fill the cabinet
Legal Code Restructuring
⁃ Worked with Attorney General’s Office to restructure and update AS Legal Code
Pearman Fellowship
⁃ Introduction of AS to students through an educational program
⁃ Places them in different offices as fellows
Immigrant resilience week
⁃ Director of Dream Scholar Affairs worked with USS
Safe Transportation Task Force
⁃ Reimbursed students for rides to and from campus
Food security and basic needs task force
⁃ Housing vouchers for undocumented students
New AS Logo (Communications Director + CMU)
Sat on various Chancellor committees and task forces
⁃ Advocating for student voices to be heard
⁃ Spoke at Faculty legislature meeting
⁃ Represented students on review panel
Undergraduate Council
⁃ Extended Pass / No Pass Deadline
Cultural transformation workshops
Two Executive Orders
⁃ UCSA Fee
⁃ Safe Transportation Task Force